Friday, May 21, 2021

Connect with BMC Helix ITSM and Remedy - Invoking ITSM REST Services webinar

Replay of the Connect with BMC Helix ITSM and Remedy - Invoking ITSM REST Services webinar on March 24, 2021.

In this session he will review two scenarios of REST integration. This includes publishing a custom form as a REST Service, performing basic REST CRUD operations, and uploading/retrieving attachments. Also will perform the same tasks on an OOTB ITSM form to understand the similarities and progress to more complex REST structures. The BMC TestHttpClient tool will be used during this session as it is helpful not only for testing, but also for troubleshooting common REST situations.

Alejandro Vidaurri is a Lead Technical Support Analyst

For more information on the monthly webinar series please visit Connect with BMC Helix ITSM and Remedy Monthly Webinar Series

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